Divorce Just Got More Difficult: Here's One Thing You Can Do to Help Make Smart Choices

Divorce is hard enough without adding a global pandemic into the mix.  These are unprecedented times and if you are in the middle of the divorce process, I can only imagine what is going through your mind.  I was going through my own divorce in 2008 when the stock market crashed due to the lending … Continue reading Divorce Just Got More Difficult: Here's One Thing You Can Do to Help Make Smart Choices

Divorced is divorced…

A good read! All I can say is that things get better and you find new ways to do things. I’m never alone when my girls (now 22 & 24) are with me, and Christmas is fun again!

Divorce Shoes


Are you divorced? Because divorced is divorced. Right? I mean you found out about the affair, went through the break up, you showed up at the court house…it’s done. Over. Finished. But I’ve noticed something. Somedays I feel more divorced than others. Certain situations increase my divorced status from regular to extremely pathetic.

Let’s start with the #1 worst offender… The holidays. Specifically Thanksgiving through Easter. Christmas of course being the Ultimate of all holidays. And I’m not discounting Valentine’s Day. That was one of the first pieces of advice my BDF gave me.

“Listen…all holidays will suck. Just accept it. Avoid sappy commercials and set your expectations low,” she informed me.

“Ok…” I nod. Sniff sniff…muffled sob.

Holidays are forever changed. Especially as a parent. Think about it… What’s the best part of any holiday when you become a mom?! Experiencing it with your children. Seeing the joy on…

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